For Employers

Details about Catamount's unique approach to employee wellness, including educational initiatives, personalized support.

The Benefits of Offering Supplemental Options to Your Employees

Providing supplemental options to your employees allows them to enhance their coverage beyond what standard insurance plans offer. This ensures that they have access to additional benefits and support in times of need, leading to increased peace of mind and satisfaction.

The Catamount Wellness Approach

At Catamount Corporation, we believe in taking a holistic approach to employee wellness. 

Catamount Leave Behind

We understand that every organization is unique, which is why we offer flexible one-on-one enrollment strategies customized to fit your needs.

General Inquiries

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Supplemental options are often cost-effective, with minimal impact on your budget. They provide valuable coverage to employees at an affordable expense.

Yes, Catamount Corporation specializes in tailoring supplemental benefit programs to meet the unique needs of your workforce.

Offering supplemental options enhances overall employee satisfaction, contributes to a positive company culture, and boosts engagement.

Depending on your location and the specific benefits offered, there may be tax advantages. Consult with our team for personalized guidance.